Results for 'Ketrin Putri Djasmita'

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  1.  13
    Saznajna korist od gluposti.Ketrin Z. Elgin - 1992 - Theoria 35 (1):115-124.
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    Gratitude training to improve subjective well-being among adolescents living in orphanages.Putri Megawati, Sri Lestari & Rini Lestari - 2019 - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 16 (1):13.
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  3. Hubungan antara kontrol diri Dengan intensi perilaku organisasional Devian pada anggota kepolisian reserse kriminal di dit reskrim polda jawa tengah.Iin Novita Putri, Harlina Nurtjahjanti & Prasetyo Budi Widodo - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (2).
    P enelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kontrol diri dengan intensi POD pada anggota kepolisian reserse kriminal. Penelitian ini menggunakan 57 reserse sebagai subjek penelitian dengan karakteristik merupakan anggota Dit Reskrim Polda Jateng dan memegang jabatan sebagai bintara pelaksana. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua buah skala, yaitu skala intensi POD dan skala kontrol diri. Hasil analisis dengan metode analisis regresi sedehana mendapatkan r xy = -0,589 dengan p= (...)
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  4.  19
    Representation of cultural values in Tempuutn Senarikng of Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribes.Nina Queena H. Putri, Andayani Andayani & Nugraheni E. Wardani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Tempuutn Senarikng is one Indonesian mythical folklore telling the origins of humans in the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribal communities. This research aims to represent the cultural values in Tempuutn Senarikng. This study is qualitative research using an ethnographic approach and interactive model data analysis techniques. The results show that Tempuutn Senarikng contains cultural values of the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung tribal communities explaining that (1) the nature of the Dayak Benuaq and Tunjung people’s life is to try to avoid (...)
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  5.  20
    Sharia housing and millennials in Indonesia: Between religious and economic motives.Yuyun Sunesti & Addin K. Putri - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1-6.
    This article aims to discover why young people in Indonesia choose Islamic faith-based (sharia) housing that is more homogeneous than conventional housing. This is important because the growth of sharia housing in Indonesia has experienced a significant increase in the last five years. Sharia housing requires residents to be of the same religion, comply with the rules of purchase and follow the payment scheme according to Islamic law. In fact, in the last two years, this homogeneous housing has seen increasing (...)
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  6.  14
    Early church hospitality-based Pentecostal mission in the religious moderation frame of Indonesia.Syani B. Rante Salu, Harls E. R. Siahaan, Nunuk Rinukti & Agustin Soewitomo Putri - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):6.
    In Indonesia, violence in the name of religion has occurred many times since the reformation began. The trigger is religious fundamentalism and radicalism that increases and affects intolerant actions, inter-religious conflicts and even terrorism. The Indonesian government has initiated religious moderation through the Ministry of Religion to minimise the negative impacts of excessive religious fanaticism. Christians, who are often victims of many acts of violence, should evaluate the religious practices that have been carried out so far. The mission of Christian (...)
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  7.  62
    (1 other version)The effect of individual-collective decisions and perceived organisational support on accountants whistle-blowing actions.Syaiful Iqbal, Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias, Bambang Subroto & Putri Wulanditya - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    Enhancing Regional Stability: Implementation and Impact of Conflict Management Strategies in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia.Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, Eva Nuriyah Hidayat, Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Maulana Irfan, Nadila Auludya Rahma Putri & Wandi Adiansah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:388-399.
    This research study investigates the implementation of the Conflict Management Socialization and Mapping of Conflict Prone Areas program by the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Bakesbangpol) in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia. Using qualitative methods, including interviews and a literature review, the study examines how Bakesbangpol Kuningan detects and manages potential conflicts to maintain regional stability. Findings reveal that the program effectively utilizes early detection initiatives and community engagement forums such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and collaborates with various stakeholders, including (...)
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    The Commemoration of Independence Day: Recalling Indonesian Traditional Games.Mustika Fitri, Hana Astria Nur & Wulandari Putri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Traditional games in Indonesia are one of the cultural heritages the existence of which should be protected and preserved. The purpose of this study was to preserve the cultural diversity by recalling the traditional games through the commemoration of Indonesia Independence Day that is conducted annually. The Online Ethnography method was used in this research by administering text analysis and interview. The result of the study showed that traditional games held during the commemoration of Indonesia Independence Day could help recall (...)
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  10.  15
    Pemahaman Masyarakat Dalam Melakukan Upaya Preventif Penyebaran Covid-19 Melalui Rekonseptualisasi Nilai-Nilai Qada Dan Qadar.Syaichon Ibad, Hernik Farisia, Putri Dellaika Aisyah & Bella Fitria Destinasari - 2022 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 8 (2):183-206.
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kondisi dan iklim pemahaman masyarakat mengenai qada dan qadar dalam konteks di tengah pandemi saat ini, khususnya pada masyarakat dusun pereng desa Ngasin Balongpanggang Gresik yang masih banyak disalahpahami oleh beberapa lapisan masyarakat awam. hal ini sebagai basic awal dalam melakukan upaya preventif penyebaran covid-19 (Corona Virus Diseases-19) melalui rekonseptualisasi nilai-nilai qada dan qadar. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif, yakni menganalisis dan menyajikan fakta secara sistematis, sehingga dapat lebih mudah untuk dipahami dan disimpulkan. (...)
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  11.  13
    Capacity Development of Local Service Organizations Through Regional Innovation in Papua, Indonesia After the COVID-19 Pandemic.Andjar Prasetyo, Dewi Gartika, Agustinus Hartopo, Bekti Putri Harwijayanti, Sukamsi Sukamsi & M. Fahlevi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to identify and describe the regional innovations produced in Keerom Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia after the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, to analyze integrated regional service capacity indicators with a special focus on organizational performance indicators in integrated units that can be measured quantitatively and simply. In addition, to create an understanding of organizational performance in geographic areas. The method approach uses a mixed-methods description to tell the results of the study. Secondary data were analyzed in the form (...)
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  12.  22
    Naturalistic Parent Teaching in the Home Environment During Early Childhood.Sandra L. Della Porta, Putri Sukmantari, Nina Howe, Fadwa Farhat & Hildy S. Ross - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:810400.
    Children’s sociocultural experiences in their day-to-day lives markedly play a key role in learning about the world. This study investigated parent–child teaching during early childhood as it naturally occurs in the home setting. Thirty-nine families’ naturalistic interactions in the home setting were observed; 1033 teaching sequences were identified based on detailed transcriptions of verbal and non-verbal behavior. Within these sequences, three domains of learning (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) and subtopics were identified and analyzed in relation to gender, child birth order, (...)
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  13.  30
    Batik Dermayon: Expression of Femininity in North Coast of Java.Nanang Ganda Prawira & Aditya Aditama Putri Hk - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):131-146.
    To date, Javanese-Indonesian coastal women have only been part of the batik craft industry, but their strategic roles and expressions have never been disclosed or cared. Whereas the feminine side and the aesthetic symbolic adaptation of Batik-crafter women are very important issues in the creation of the Indonesian cultural repertoire. This study succeeded in explaining the visual identity signs and aesthetic structures described by the community of the crafter woman in the Paoman Village, as well as revealing the meaning of (...)
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  14.  6
    Putri duyung yang mendamba: renungan filsafat hidup manusia modern.Y. B. Mangunwijaya - 1987 - Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
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    Indian Buddhist studies on non-Buddhist theories of a self: the studies of Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika, Mīmāṃsā, Sāṃkhya, Jain, Vedānta and Vātsīputrīya theories of a self.James Duerlinger - 2022 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book addresses prominent views on the nature of the self in Indian philosophical traditions and presents Buddhist critiques of those conceptions through the translation and commentary on Śāntarakṣita's chapter in the Tattvasaṃgraha on theories of a self and Kamala-śīla's commentary on it in his Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā. The book is comprised of an introduction presenting the theories of a self in the Indian Buddhist Middle Way philosophies and in the different philosophical schools Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla study and offers a background for (...)
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  16. Kelekatan dan attachment coping behavior pada remaja putri.D. D. Lucia - 2004 - Phronesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan 2 (4):56-65.
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    Izzeldin Abuelaish, I Shall Not Hate: Kisah Seorang Dokter Palestina Memperjuangkan Perdamaian Tanpa Dendam dan Kebencian, Bandung: Qanita/Mizan, 2011, 370 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):128-130.
    Tragedi perang Palestina–Israel tampak sebagai jalan penderitaan dan kekejian yang tanpa ujung dan tanpa solusi. Di tengah kesuraman seperti itu kisah kehidupan yang diceritakan oleh dokter Abuelaish mengharukan dan membawa harapan. Lahir dalam kamp pengungsi Jabalia di Jalur Gaza pada 1955, tujuh tahun setelah perang 1948 melahirkan negara Israel di tengah tanah Palestina, Abuelaish mengalami kemelaratan sangat ekstrem bersama ayahnya yang kehilangan tanahnya dan ibunya yang berwatak kuat tetapi juga keras serta delapan saudaranya. Sebelas orang ini hidup bertahun-tahun dalam ruang (...)
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